

Sheila Morovati Founder

What we understand to be “normal” can be changed.

This world is a social construction and it can be reconstructed and rebuilt to become the world we imagine.

— Sheila Morovati, Founder HabitsofWaste.org

As social change makers, we believe in the power of the individual to make small changes within their daily lives to protect the planet and combat climate change. At Habits of Waste, our goal is to activate large numbers of people with accessible behavior changes to collectively have a greater impact than a few people doing it “perfectly.”

At Habits of Waste we provide solutions, allowing individuals to live more eco-consciously without overwhelm.

We all have a role to play. Join our campaigns for a variety of actions that you can take to make a positive environmental impact today.

Background: Our founder, Sheila Morovati, sees habitual waste throughout society and creates change to protect our environment. She successfully spearheaded the historic ban on single-use plastic straws and cutlery in the City of Malibu. Sheila realized that an iconic beach city like Malibu would create the ripple effect that was so necessary to create change.

Malibu was the first city to make such a ban go into effect and the number of cities and countries that followed suit is awe-inspiring. Since then, Sheila created numerous campaigns that have effected change such as #CutOutCutlery, which successfully convinced Uber Eats, Postmates, Doordash and Grubhub to change the default setting in their applications so that users only receive plastic cutlery upon request. This campaign is ongoing.

Sheila also founded crayoncollection a non-profit called, crayoncollection.org, which has grown to become a tremendous success with a presence in all 50 states and 9 countries. Her idea was to redirect would-have-been-trashed crayons from restaurants and well-served communities and distribute them, along with free art education curricula,  to Title 1 Schools and Head Start Centers within 5 miles of the donor. Restaurants throw away over 150 million crayons per year, which do not decompose as they are made of paraffin wax. In addition, Sheila felt this behavior was subliminally teaching our children that a throw-away culture is acceptable. Since its inception, Crayon Collection has redirected over 20 million crayons from landfill and continues to set a new norm throughout society, that still-good crayons are not trash.

Awards and Recognition

Outstanding Waste Reduction Program, #CutOutCutlery
California Resource Recovery Association

Habits of Waste is proud to be a part of the United Nations Civil Society Conference for our contributions to waste reduction strategies and climate change education.

HoW was the evolution of much work that had been done to alleviate habitual waste from entering landfill.

Initially, we focused our efforts around single-use plastic straws and cutlery. Changing the habits around this simple object at a restaurant can make a huge environmental impact. Now, we begin to rethink ALL of societal behavior that is ENGRAINED in our daily actions. Many are no longer visible as they are so embedded in our daily routines and norms.

To optimize our impact, we have expanded our
environmental efforts  into Habits of Waste (HoW). Just
as Crayon Collection was able to convince the world that
crayons are not trash, HoW does the same with a myriad
of habitual behaviors that result in enormous levels of
waste. Our efforts to raise awareness of the dangers of a
throw-away society are key to making grass-roots

HoW (habitsofwaste.org) focuses on protecting our
planet via a collective societal effort of individuals making

Every time each of us breaks a “Habit of Waste”, we shift our society to reach what we call “eco-normal”. 
Learn more and join the movement.

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    Dinner/Tableware Sponsorship Benefits:

    Sponsor all our Non-Plastic tableware at event.

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo
    • Recognition from DJ during event for your sponsorship
    • Signage on all tables as #COC Sponsor
    • Two tickets to event and VIP Reception

    Cocktail Hour Sponsorship Benefits:

    Sponsor our Cocktail hour featuring all plant-based food.

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo
    • Recognition from DJ during cocktail hour for your sponsorship
    • Signage at event on all bars
    • Four Tickets to Event and VIP Reception

    Auction Sponsorship Benefits:

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo
    • Name on all Auction materials including item and event displays
    • Recognition from Stage during event Live Auction
    • Opportunity to have featured item in Auction. Representative can join on stage for the auctioning of your item
    • Five tickets to Event and VIP Reception

    Entertainment Sponsorship Benefits:

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo including event pages, and marketing
    • Featured social media post as #LCP sponsor at Event
    • Recognition from Emcee during event for your sponsorship
    • Signage at event at DJ Booth and on Stage
    • Five Tickets to event and VIP Reception

    Eco-Changer Benefits:

    • One table of ten with preferred seating
    • Invitation to a VIP reception for each guest
    • Premium bottle service at table for each guest
    • One complimentary raffle entry for each guest

    Eco-Champion Benefits:

    • One table of ten with preferred seating including VIP reception
    • Premium bottle service at table
    • Logo on step and repeat
    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year following event
    • Tile/logo on HoW website for one year
    • Posts on social media with logo
    • Featured ad throughout the event on screens
    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials

    Eco-Warrior Benefits:

    • Two tables of ten with preferred seating including VIP reception
    • Premium bottle service at table
    • Logo prominently placed on step and repeat
    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year
    • Featured Tile/logo on HoW website for one year
    • Multiple Posts on Social Media with logo throughout year
    • Featured ad throughout the event on screens
    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo including event pages, marketing and press releases

    Presenting Sponsor Benefits:

    • Three tables of ten with premier seating and VIP Reception
    • Premium bottle service at table
    • Logo prominently placed on Step and Repeat
    • Opportunity for podium welcome
    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year following event
    • Featured Tile/logo on HoW website homepage for one year
    • Multiple Posts on social media with logo throughout year
    • Opportunity to exclusively feature products at the event and feature items
    • Featured ad throughout the event on screens
    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials as "Presenting Sponsor"
    • Opportunity to have Founder as speaker at corporate gathering/meeting

      Habits of Waste.org

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