reThink Tap

reThink Tap

Over and over we heard the same statement - tap water is GOOD and that the plastic water bottle industry is convincing us otherwise to increase sales.

Why #reThinkTap? Studies show that most people do not trust tap water. This campaign supports individuals to learn about their tap water before assuming they must buy plastic water bottles.Why? Because single- use plastic water bottles are harmful to our planet AND harmful to our bodies.“Diet and drinking water are considered the main pathways of human exposure to PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of synthetic organic chemicals comprising thousands of compounds. ” – Environment International (read full study here)Public Works Departments in various cities and Doctors all over the United States believe in the quality of our tap water. Over and over we heard the same statement – “tap water is GOOD” and that the plastic water bottle industry is convincing us otherwise to increase sales.The marketing prowess of plastic water bottle companies have us drinking and discarding 1 million plastic bottles per minute, and 91% of those bottles are not recycled. Instead, they make their way into the natural environment, namely our oceans, killing sea life or degrading into microplastics, which we then ingest.
“Few things are more basic and important to all of us than good, clean water. So many of us take for granted the easy access to such a basic necessity. Plastic water bottles only add more damage to our environment. Clean water fountains are the way to go!” – Nina L. Shapiro, MD , Author of HYPE, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Here is how to #reThinkTap:
  1. Learn about your tap water. Contact your city or your water purveyor, which is the entity in which  you pay your water bill. They offer free resources to learn all about your tap water. Here is an example of a water report that all cities must provide.
  2. Filtering your tap water reduces common contaminants. Use this guide to learn more about best practices. 
  3. Here is what the World Health Organization has to say about the type of water levels that are safe to drink: According to World Health Organization, tap water with total dissolved solids less than 500 ppm is drinkable and less than 300 ppm is excellent. Santa Monica tap water was measured at 216 ppm.
Learn more about how to #reThinkTap. Click here.
Click Here to Watch Leo reThink Tap
FACTS:Did you know that the vast majority of plastic water bottle companies do not share what’s in their water?Many plastic bottled water companies fill their bottles with filtered tap water.The EPA regulates tap water versus the FDA, which regulates plastic water bottles and the EPA is much more stringent.Plastic water bottles leech harmful chemicals as well as microplastics into your water especially if the plastic water bottle is exposed to high temperatures such as a hot car on a warm day.
April 2024, the EPA announces the removal of all forever chemical (PFAS) from tap water.  This is all the more reason to #reThinkTap.
Read the Full Article Here
August 2024, Forest Service orders Arrowhead bottled water company to shut down California pipeline.
“In a decision that could end a years-long battle over commercial extraction of water from public lands, the U.S. Forest Service has ordered the company that sells Arrowhead bottled water to shut down a pipeline and other infrastructure it uses to collect and transport water from springs in the San Bernardino Mountains.” – @latimes
Read the Full Article Here

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Get involved today and SHARE! Please follow us @howchangers and if you drink tap water and please share by using the #reThinkTap hashtag to disrupt the multi billion dollar water bottle industry that is choking our planet with plastic. Plus, you can save thousands of dollars/year by refusing plastic water bottles.

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    Eco-Champion Benefits:

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    Eco-Warrior Benefits:

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    • Premium bottle service at table
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    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year
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    Presenting Sponsor Benefits:

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    • Opportunity to exclusively feature products at the event and feature items
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