8 Meals
8 Meals
You don’t have to be perfect to make a difference.

Going partially plant-based is a great starting point for many to be successful as they change their dietary habits. The name of the campaign #8meals is a call-to-action for everyone to reduce their animal product intake by 40%, which equals 8 plant based meals per week. It’s attainable and it’s the most important thing individuals can do to protect our planet.
Download the #8meals APP free in the App Store & Google Play to support your plant-based journey.
Environmentalists agree that one of the most important actions we can take to combat climate change is to adopt a plant-based diet. A study at the University of Michigan and Tulane University inspired us to create the #8meals challenge. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. If we all decreased our animal protein intake by even 40-50% we could make significant progress in reversing climate change.
Why? Going 100% vegan has been an unattainable challenge for many people so let’s focus on being “imperfect” and taking the pressure off. If we all swapped 8 meals per week to plant-based then collectively we can do more than a few of us going fully vegan.
“Better all Americans cut meat consumption by 40 percent than 3 percent of Americans cut it out completely. “ – The Atlantic

Get involved with these easy steps:
Step 1: Download our new app to help you swap 8 meals each week for plant-based options instead. This means foods that come from plants and do not contain any animal source.
Step 2: Plug your 8 meals in your calendar for the week. You can choose to swap 2 breakfasts + 3 lunches + 2 dinners OR try 1 breakfast + 2 lunches + 5 dinners. You can also eat all plant based for the weekend and add just 2 plant-based meals during the week. Mix it up to your liking!
Step 3: Find interesting recipes! We have been enjoying all the new low cost plant-based recipe ideas out there. Our app has a myriad of whole plant-based options..
Step 4: Tag a friend and challenge others to join you. Post your meals on social media and use the #8meals hashtag to share the movement.
Animal agriculture is responsible for more than 18% of greenhouse gases worldwide. Plus, it contributes to land and water degradation, biodiversity loss, acid rain, coral reef degeneration and deforestation. Learn more about this on our plant-based Call to Action page by clicking here.
FACT: A family meal that contains 1 pound of beef requires 8,000 gallons of water to produce. YOUR ACTIONS MATTER.
Climate change is now at an ‘all hands on deck’ urgency.
We cannot wait for governments and corporations to act. Perhaps the single greatest contribution we can make as individuals is to change our diet. The carbon footprint reduction of committing to at least 8 plant-based meals a week is on par with switching to a hybrid automobile for the average American family.— Dr. Martin Heller, Research Specialist, Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan
Let’s do the math:
It is estimated that a 40% reduction in animal-based foods (8 meals / week) results in a ~504 kg CO2eq/person/yr reduction.
Average annual milage for a family of four =11484 mi/yr, at avg fuel efficiency (22.3mi/gal) and 8.887kg CO2e/gallon = 4577 kg CO2eq/yr
The same mileage with a Prius fuel efficiency of 55mpg = 1855 kg CO2eq/yr, so reduction is 2722 kg CO2eq/yr.
“TEDxGlasgow Shares #8Meals as an “Idea Worth Spreading”

— Nina L. Shapiro, MD , Author of HYPE, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
The conclusion: a family of 4 reducing diet by 504 kgCO2eq/person/yr = 2016 kg CO2eq/yr

Share on social media to help spread the word.
Here’s a sample caption:
Scientists recommend we cut our animal protein intake by at least 40% in order to protect the planet. That’s 8 meals a week. Who’s in? I’m joining @howchangers to be #imperfectlyvegan through their campaign called #8meals
Post your favorite plant-based recipes and tips and tag @howchangers to get featured. Learn more and get involved at habitsofwaste.org
#howchanger #8meals

We asked participants how #8meals was working out for them and here’s
what we heard back:
“I would have made the change a long time ago had I know the effects on the world it was having. I’m so grateful to have found this challenge and to learn from you guys. ”
– Alysha
“Honestly I thought it was going to be difficult because my family and I have always eaten meat with every meal but I had no idea what that meant for the planet. It’s actually been fairly easy to keep up with, my family didn’t notice a difference in my meals and overall I feel really good! ”
– Carissa
“I found it re-invigorating for my cooking! I have gotten tired of the endlessness of planning and preparing meals… but this lit a happy healthy fire under my butt. And I do love a challenge. Excited for a delicious week! And I like the idea very much that all meat need not be eliminated. Just less.
Thank you!”
– Amara
“It’s so nice to know that my effort makes a difference. I’m enjoying finishing new recipes and feeling like I’m contributing to the health of our planet while I’m also contributing to the health of my family”
– Sharon
“This is so doable !”
– Dahlia
“I could never go fully vegan but this I can do!”
– Mark
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