Ship Naked / Ship Greener

Ship Naked / Ship Greener


What is #ShipNaked?

It’s time for the online shopping giants to ship differently via our newest email campaign. Amazon, Walmart, and Target can start by shipping products that have their own “rigid packaging” without any additional boxes or plastic packaging. By creating this simple change we will immediately reduce millions of pounds of plastic waste and cardboard waste.

What is #ShipGreener?

Many products we order online do not come in manufacturers “rigid packaging” so we are asking major online retailers to “ShipGreener” if packaging is required. This means using the correct size boxes with minimal filling, and no plastic at all. The image shown here is an example of the  unnecessary amount of packaging that come with many of our online orders.

Why is this important?

850 MILLION tons of paper and cardboard are discarded annually, equaling approximately  1 Billion trees.

Amazon alone ships 1.7 million packages a day and just the # of plastic air pillows used/year could encircle the planet 500x. 

Our planet needs us to reduce our footprint as much as possible.

Take Action TODAY

Join us by emailing Amazon, Walmart and Target to #ShipNaked & #ShipGreener! Our request is that they ship more responsibly and ship with less unnecessary packaging. Many products even have their own “rigid packaging” and do not require any additional boxes or plastic packaging. With just 1 click, you can send letters to these companies requesting less packaging in our online orders.

Major Win!  Amazon Joins #ShipGreener, Eliminating 15 Billion Plastic Pillows Annually

“We are working towards full removal [of plastic pillows] in North America by end of [2024] and will continue to innovate, test, and scale in order to prioritize curbside recyclable materials.”

Pat Lindner, VP of Mechatronics and Sustainable Packaging

Read the full article here.


Buzzfeed Calls on the ‘Big Guys’ to #ShipNaked!

#ShowUsYourPackage ! Let’s use social media for change:

Next time you receive a delivery with excess packaging post it on social media and tag the company where you purchased it from.  Use hashtag #ShipNaked and #ShowUsYourPackage and we will repost!

(Video Of ShipNaked Campaign)

A recent study by Oceana found that generated 465 million pounds of plastic packaging waste in 2019. The number of plastic air pillows could circle the globe 500 times. Oceana further estimated that up to 22.44 million pounds of’s plastic packaging ended up in the world’s freshwater and marine ecosystems as pollution in the same year, or “roughly equivalent to a delivery van’s worth of plastic being dumped into major rivers, lakes, and the oceans every 70 minutes.”

READ THIS: Startup spotlight: Solving fashion’s packaging problem

Thanks to our #ShipNaked campaign, Amazon has finally offered consumers the option to ship their orders in the manufacturer’s original packaging. While this option is only available for specific items, it is a small step towards sustainability. Please use the tools below to encourage Target, Walmart and other major manufacturers to step up and #ShipNaked too.”

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    Dinner/Tableware Sponsorship Benefits:

    Sponsor all our Non-Plastic tableware at event.

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo
    • Recognition from DJ during event for your sponsorship
    • Signage on all tables as #COC Sponsor
    • Two tickets to event and VIP Reception

    Cocktail Hour Sponsorship Benefits:

    Sponsor our Cocktail hour featuring all plant-based food.

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo
    • Recognition from DJ during cocktail hour for your sponsorship
    • Signage at event on all bars
    • Four Tickets to Event and VIP Reception

    Auction Sponsorship Benefits:

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo
    • Name on all Auction materials including item and event displays
    • Recognition from Stage during event Live Auction
    • Opportunity to have featured item in Auction. Representative can join on stage for the auctioning of your item
    • Five tickets to Event and VIP Reception

    Entertainment Sponsorship Benefits:

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo including event pages, and marketing
    • Featured social media post as #LCP sponsor at Event
    • Recognition from Emcee during event for your sponsorship
    • Signage at event at DJ Booth and on Stage
    • Five Tickets to event and VIP Reception

    Eco-Changer Benefits:

    • One table of ten with preferred seating
    • Invitation to a VIP reception for each guest
    • Premium bottle service at table for each guest
    • One complimentary raffle entry for each guest

    Eco-Champion Benefits:

    • One table of ten with preferred seating including VIP reception
    • Premium bottle service at table
    • Logo on step and repeat
    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year following event
    • Tile/logo on HoW website for one year
    • Posts on social media with logo
    • Featured ad throughout the event on screens
    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials

    Eco-Warrior Benefits:

    • Two tables of ten with preferred seating including VIP reception
    • Premium bottle service at table
    • Logo prominently placed on step and repeat
    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year
    • Featured Tile/logo on HoW website for one year
    • Multiple Posts on Social Media with logo throughout year
    • Featured ad throughout the event on screens
    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo including event pages, marketing and press releases

    Presenting Sponsor Benefits:

    • Three tables of ten with premier seating and VIP Reception
    • Premium bottle service at table
    • Logo prominently placed on Step and Repeat
    • Opportunity for podium welcome
    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year following event
    • Featured Tile/logo on HoW website homepage for one year
    • Multiple Posts on social media with logo throughout year
    • Opportunity to exclusively feature products at the event and feature items
    • Featured ad throughout the event on screens
    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials as "Presenting Sponsor"
    • Opportunity to have Founder as speaker at corporate gathering/meeting

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