Call To Action

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HoW Can I Make A Difference?

Every small step makes a giant impact. An astronaut shared his experience as he left the Earth’s atmosphere and looked at our planet from above for the first time. He showed us an image of something you don’t see everyday. It was a green glowing halo that surrounds our gorgeous planet, its ratio being equivalent to the skin of an apple. Minuscule and delicate…. very delicate.

This halo is us, it is our atmosphere. This is where we live, breathe, eat, sleep, work, love, learn, fight wars, make peace and sadly where we are destroying our planet. That view is what brought this astronaut to realize that if it weren’t for this halo, the Earth would be one giant dead rock. Preserving that halo is our job. Be a HoW Changer by checking out how changing your small habits of waste can create a large cultural shift to a much greener and cleaner world.

More Ways To Help

Plastic Cutlery

UberEats, Grubhub and Postmates deliver plastic cutlery to customers who are ordering food in without asking if the customer wants plastic cutlery. Many times, their customers are able to eat their ordered in meals with reusable utensils from home and therefore the plastic cutlery is an unnecessary habit of waste causing a plastic single use item to end up in the trash.

Download this letter to request these companies to install an “Option for plastic single use cutlery” feature on their apps to eliminate unnecessary waste.


Send this letter directly to their office at 111 West Washington Street Suite 2100 Chicago, Illinois 60602.

Plastic Bags

Many grocery stores have plastic produce bags.

Call to action: Shop at your local farmer’s market. Skip the produce bag with your own reusable produce bag.

Challenge your favorite grocery stores to reduce their plastic produce bags, put up signage to encourage refusal of plastic produce bags, and/or to eliminate them.

Factory Farming

Call to Action: Your consumer choices of brands, we understand veganism and vegetarianism is not an option for every family, try #MeatlessMondays

Challenge your favorite animal product companies to consider their carbon footprint.

    Thanks for downloading this free content. Please provide your email address for future updates and downloads.

    Dinner/Tableware Sponsorship Benefits:

    Sponsor all our Non-Plastic tableware at event.

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo
    • Recognition from DJ during event for your sponsorship
    • Signage on all tables as #COC Sponsor
    • Two tickets to event and VIP Reception

    Cocktail Hour Sponsorship Benefits:

    Sponsor our Cocktail hour featuring all plant-based food.

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo
    • Recognition from DJ during cocktail hour for your sponsorship
    • Signage at event on all bars
    • Four Tickets to Event and VIP Reception

    Auction Sponsorship Benefits:

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo
    • Name on all Auction materials including item and event displays
    • Recognition from Stage during event Live Auction
    • Opportunity to have featured item in Auction. Representative can join on stage for the auctioning of your item
    • Five tickets to Event and VIP Reception

    Entertainment Sponsorship Benefits:

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo including event pages, and marketing
    • Featured social media post as #LCP sponsor at Event
    • Recognition from Emcee during event for your sponsorship
    • Signage at event at DJ Booth and on Stage
    • Five Tickets to event and VIP Reception

    Eco-Changer Benefits:

    • One table of ten with preferred seating
    • Invitation to a VIP reception for each guest
    • Premium bottle service at table for each guest
    • One complimentary raffle entry for each guest

    Eco-Champion Benefits:

    • One table of ten with preferred seating including VIP reception
    • Premium bottle service at table
    • Logo on step and repeat
    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year following event
    • Tile/logo on HoW website for one year
    • Posts on social media with logo
    • Featured ad throughout the event on screens
    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials

    Eco-Warrior Benefits:

    • Two tables of ten with preferred seating including VIP reception
    • Premium bottle service at table
    • Logo prominently placed on step and repeat
    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year
    • Featured Tile/logo on HoW website for one year
    • Multiple Posts on Social Media with logo throughout year
    • Featured ad throughout the event on screens
    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo including event pages, marketing and press releases

    Presenting Sponsor Benefits:

    • Three tables of ten with premier seating and VIP Reception
    • Premium bottle service at table
    • Logo prominently placed on Step and Repeat
    • Opportunity for podium welcome
    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year following event
    • Featured Tile/logo on HoW website homepage for one year
    • Multiple Posts on social media with logo throughout year
    • Opportunity to exclusively feature products at the event and feature items
    • Featured ad throughout the event on screens
    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials as "Presenting Sponsor"
    • Opportunity to have Founder as speaker at corporate gathering/meeting

      Habits of

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