LA Green Teen

LA Green Teen

Our campaign #LAGREENTEEN launched March 19, 2019!

Initially, the #LAGREENTEEN program was meant to teach environmental sustainability and social movement to high-school students using social media as the driver for change.

Later, we discovered that the students of Los Angeles Senior High School are encouraged to purchase plastic water bottles for the recommended 64 ounces of water per day. This was due to lack of up-to-date water fountains on campus. Since the disposal of plastic containers contaminate the environment, we are so proud to help LAUSD schools acquire water filtration systems giving students the choice to drink 100% clean water from non-plastic containers.

HoW is excited to help make change that directly affects daily lives and the lives of future students to follow.

Before images of unsafe water fountains at LA High:


California passes AB2638:

In 2023, together with Assembly Member Richard Bloom, LA GreenTeen encouraged a historic change in our public schools:  access to clean drinking water for all, ending the dependency on plastic water bottles.  Our LA GreenTeen campaign resulted in the passing of AB2638, which states that there should be one hydration station for every 350 kids in schools across the state of California.  Next, LAUSD allocated $38 million towards clean drinking water in local schools.  This is a huge step in the right direction and also shows the growth in equity while protecting our environment.  We are proud to have been part of this historic change!


Working together with your teachers and school administrators to help support the basic needs of underserved high school students: access to clean water. We will empower and teach students to work together to strategize and launch a social media campaign to create a sustainable solution for clean drinking water in vulnerable communities.

The campaign will help the students raise awareness and funds for vulnerable school to implement new water refill stations, enabling students to drink safely using sustainable bottles and to refuse plastics. 

Read about the impact of #LAGREENTEEN

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    Dinner/Tableware Sponsorship Benefits:

    Sponsor all our Non-Plastic tableware at event.

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo
    • Recognition from DJ during event for your sponsorship
    • Signage on all tables as #COC Sponsor
    • Two tickets to event and VIP Reception

    Cocktail Hour Sponsorship Benefits:

    Sponsor our Cocktail hour featuring all plant-based food.

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo
    • Recognition from DJ during cocktail hour for your sponsorship
    • Signage at event on all bars
    • Four Tickets to Event and VIP Reception

    Auction Sponsorship Benefits:

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo
    • Name on all Auction materials including item and event displays
    • Recognition from Stage during event Live Auction
    • Opportunity to have featured item in Auction. Representative can join on stage for the auctioning of your item
    • Five tickets to Event and VIP Reception

    Entertainment Sponsorship Benefits:

    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo including event pages, and marketing
    • Featured social media post as #LCP sponsor at Event
    • Recognition from Emcee during event for your sponsorship
    • Signage at event at DJ Booth and on Stage
    • Five Tickets to event and VIP Reception

    Eco-Changer Benefits:

    • One table of ten with preferred seating
    • Invitation to a VIP reception for each guest
    • Premium bottle service at table for each guest
    • One complimentary raffle entry for each guest

    Eco-Champion Benefits:

    • One table of ten with preferred seating including VIP reception
    • Premium bottle service at table
    • Logo on step and repeat
    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year following event
    • Tile/logo on HoW website for one year
    • Posts on social media with logo
    • Featured ad throughout the event on screens
    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials

    Eco-Warrior Benefits:

    • Two tables of ten with preferred seating including VIP reception
    • Premium bottle service at table
    • Logo prominently placed on step and repeat
    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year
    • Featured Tile/logo on HoW website for one year
    • Multiple Posts on Social Media with logo throughout year
    • Featured ad throughout the event on screens
    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials with logo including event pages, marketing and press releases

    Presenting Sponsor Benefits:

    • Three tables of ten with premier seating and VIP Reception
    • Premium bottle service at table
    • Logo prominently placed on Step and Repeat
    • Opportunity for podium welcome
    • Ability to leverage a partnership with HoW for one year following event
    • Featured Tile/logo on HoW website homepage for one year
    • Multiple Posts on social media with logo throughout year
    • Opportunity to exclusively feature products at the event and feature items
    • Featured ad throughout the event on screens
    • Inclusion in all Event Promo Materials as "Presenting Sponsor"
    • Opportunity to have Founder as speaker at corporate gathering/meeting

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